Your Story Series: Meet Louisa

3 min read
Your Story Series: Meet Louisa
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What is your name?

My name is Louisa, a proud mother of two young adult children.

What is your attitude toward sun protection?

My mothering nature of protecting my children has sharpened my perception of the sun which cannot be greeted with a light-hearted attitude. Premature ageing skin and skin cancer risk are my enemies. At the same time, to guard against the sun invasion does not mean I should give up dressing well.

My motto is to eat well, live well and dress well. An elegant outfit is a sign of self-respect and self-esteem. I missed my corporate wardrobe when I become a full-time mother whose outfit is so plain especially the sun-protective clothing. With Solbari I have found a wide range of ladies' sun-protective clothing and accessories with different colours and styles for me to choose. With today's advanced technology, sun-protective gear and fashion should not be mutually exclusive.

I am privileged to raise my children through their teenage years. They gave me the insight that relationship is the currency of persuasive communication. The Mother is the frontline role model to walk the walk and to talk the talk in the family. The Mother has countless opportunities to show case her good behaviour and attitude in front of her teenage children whose eyes are as sharp as eagle.

What would you tell your 16-year-old self about sun protection?

Take care of my skin. Regularly hugging and cuddling will make my 16 year old self enjoy touching and appreciating my healthy skin. Wearing the trendy sun-protective clothing will not embarrass my 16 year old self. As an unpaid chauffeur for my teenage children, I am sure wearing my driver's sun protective accessories every day will imprint that image in the brain of my 16 year old self. I would also tell my 16 years old self that wearing good quality quick-dry sun-protective clothing will make my appearance look better without the embarrassing sweat marks.

Thank you Louisa for helping raise awareness for skin cancer, melanoma and skin conditions, and sharing your story with us and our Solbari Community.

The Solbari Team

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