What does UPF 50+ mean?

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What does UPF 50+ mean?
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UPF 50+ is the maximum sun protective rating achievable for fabrics.

UPF stands for ultraviolet protection factor and is the sun protective rating measure for fabrics.

UPF 50+ means that only up to 1/50th or 2% of ultraviolet radiation is able to penetrate the fabric which has been tested.

A fabric which has been awarded a UPF 50+ rating by the Australian Government is considered to provide excellent protection.

ARPANSA is the Australian Government agency that undertakes the UPF testing and rating and has done so since 1990.

Australia is the global leader in terms of skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment.

Solbari is the leading sun protective clothing brand in Australia with customers in over 60 countries.

Solbari Sun Protection offers a range of award-winning UPF 50+ sun protective clothing, broad brim sun hats, UV arm sleeves and sun umbrellas.

You can find out more about Solbari's certified UPF50+ sun protective range by clicking the links below:
Women UPF50+
Men UPF50+
Sun hats UPF50+
Accessories UPF50+

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