Solbari helping people living with psoriasis

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Solbari helping people living with psoriasis
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Helping people living with Psoriasis and sun protective clothing

SOLBARI specialises in sun protective clothing, swimwear and sun hats. Our products are designed, tested and rated UPF50+ in Australia by the responsible Government Agency ARPANSA. A UPF50+ is the highest rating available on the market and equivalent to wearing sunscreen SPF50+ all day long, blocks UVA and UVB rays.

We offer a special range of clothing called the Sensitive range, which is made of certified organic cotton and bamboo, which is gentle on the skin.

Our sun protective range can benefit individuals living with psoriasis and those who cannot wear sunscreen and wish to cover large areas of their skin. SOLBARI UPF50+ is recommended by dermatologists and medical experts.

Customer Testimonial:

"I've lived with psoriasis for many years. Since the age of 34, I've suffered with people staring at me and looking at me bizarrely. I wish they realised that I am not contagious. This is how I am. It is out of my control. I am so glad I found SOLBARI. I have bought some products from them and really enjoy wearing them, because they are soft on my sensitive skin and also because I can cover up and avoid the stares. I love to walk my dog and never used to go out in the sun, but now I do! Thanks to the SOLBARI Team for helping me!" Janet Y., Brisbane

"My dermatologist recommended I look into Solbari clothing. I'm glad I did. It doesn't cure my psoriasis but I feel like I tolerate this type of clothing a lot better than my regular clothing. I would recommend it." Tom A., Melbourne

What is Psoriasis:

Psoriasis affects over 125 million people worldwide who have to live with pain and serious discomfort from their skin cracking and bleeding. Many suffer from the embarrassment of shedding scales of skin.

Around 450,000 people suffer from some sort of psoriasis in Australia.

Sadly some people treat psoriasis as a contagious skin condition, but it is not!!!

Psoriasis is a common and chronic skin condition, driven by an overactive immune system and production of skin cells.

About a third of psoriasis sufferers have a family history of the condition. It is not yet fully understood which psoriasis occurs, but medical specialists believe that it is a mix of genetics and environmental factors.

It often begins in young adults and can affect males and females of all races and ages.

Why does it happen:

Psoriasis and how SOLBARI sun protective clothing can help

Psoriasis occurs when the immune system sends the incorrect message to skin cells, causing an accelerated growth. This means that there is an acceleration of the production of skin cells and new skin cells develop over a period of days rather than weeks. This creates an overabundance of skin cells. This creates a stockpile of skin cell build up, which form red, sometimes thick scaly patches characteristics of psoriasis.

There are some factors which may contribute to psoriasis such as stress, sunburn, cold and dry weather, hormones, alcohol, smoking, skin infection, certain medications and an injury of he skin.

Treating Psoriasis:

There is a range of medical treatments available and each will affect individuals differently. Dermatologists and medical experts may prescribe some of the following:

  • Ultraviolet light treatment
  • Prescription creams and ointments
  • Prescription of oral medication

If require you additional information about psoriasis, we recommend you visit your specialist or one of the Team Members at The Skin & Cancer Foundation, who have a Team of specialists who may be able to help.

Content Disclaimer: This website pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. All content and media on the Solbari website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should seek professional advice.

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