What is your name?
Hello! I’m Hannah.
What is your skin condition?
I’m 23 years old and I have a rare skin condition called hydroa vacciaforme.
Hydroa vacciaforme is a photosensitive condition and is triggered by the UVA and UVA rays of the sun. It makes my skin blister and boil, leaving behind scars and thin areas of skin.
How does your skin condition affect your day-to-day living?
There is no cure for my condition and no treatments; it’s so rare that there are only 6 people in the UK that have it, myself being the worst one and also the patient that has had it the longest!
What you have found to alleviate it?
I’ve had this condition for 17 years and in that time, unfortunately, I have found nothing that helps my skin long term. However UV sun protection clothing is helpful to protect my head and my hands!
Thank you Hannah for helping raise awareness for skin conditions by sharing your story with us and our Solbari Community.
The Solbari Team