Sun Damage Prevention: Don't Forget These 4 Body Areas

5 min read
Sun Damage Prevention: Don't Forget These 4 Body Areas
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Did you know that small changes to the way you protect yourself from the sun can have a significant impact on your skin health? Prevention is the best approach to reducing your risk of melanoma and skin cancer, and can be done by simply wearing UPF50+ clothing and accessories, and broad-spectrum sunscreen daily. UPF50+ fabrics block up to 98% of all UV rays, and all bespoke Solbari UPF50+ fabrics are tested and certified by the Australian Government.

However, some areas of our body are more susceptible to UV exposure and rates of skin cancer differ between men and women. Melanoma and skin cancer can show up in both the most obvious and least expected places on the body, even areas that don't usually get much sun exposure.

Follow our easy checklist to protect all of your body, all year round:

  1. The Head

    Though it might seem obvious, sometimes the simplest area of the body to forget is the head. The head, face, neck and ears are exposed daily to the sun. Getting into the habit of choosing to wear UPF50+ hats daily that protect these areas can help to reduce your risk of sun damage and skin cancer. For men, the head is one of the more common places for skin cancer to occur. Men typically have thinner hair than women and differ in their daily sun protection habits, meaning that 23% of all skin cancers found in men are located on the head, compared to the 14% found on women. Always remember a hat!

    2. The Arms

    If we think about our everyday sun exposure, the arms are commonly exposed, leading to cumulative damage. Keeping coverage front of mind can reduce this risk — think UPF50+ long sleeves, arm sleeves, driving gloves and sunscreen. Did you know that 25% of all skin cancers in women are discovered on either the left or right arm?

    3. The Torso

    Whilst we might wear sunscreen on our face daily, but we often forget to protect our torso from the sun’s rays. 41% of all skin cancers in men are located in the torso area (defined as the front and back of the chest and back from the shoulders to the hips. Opting for UPF50+ rash guard protection when by the water, and UPF50+ t-shirts, polos, hoodies and jackets elsewhere.

    4. The Legs

    For women, the legs are an easily forgotten area when it comes to sunscreen application and re-application. Fashion choices and individual lifestyle mean the legs are commonly exposed and can see the effects of sun exposure over time, with 38% of all skin cancers found in women appearing on the legs. That’s why Solbari offers UPF50+ clothing and swimwear to protect the lower body, such as our range of sun protective active and swim leggings and trousers. 

    Melanoma skin cancer incidence statistics. (2015, May 15). Cancer Research UK.

    Content Disclaimer: This website pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion about med­i­cine, health and related sub­jects. All content and media on the Solbari website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should seek professional advice.

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